Monday, November 10, 2008

How to pick a PTC site for advertising

Remember, the key to making money on PTC sites is getting referrals to do the clicking for you. With this in mind, picking other PTC sites to advertise on is the best way to accomplish this. However, do your research before you purchase advertising credits (also know as ad credits). Before you ever spend a dime, consider the following items:

1) How active is the site?
2) What is the cost of each ad credit?
3) What flexibility do I have with my ad credits?

How active is the site: It is always a good idea to check out how active a site is before you spend any money there. Many sites fake their stats. If the site is a bux-clone site, it is very easy to cleck how active the site is; just make a note of how many clicks the ads have every few day. These numbers will give you a basic idea of how many people are clicking ads every day. On sites using the aurora scripts, it is a little harder. The easiest way is to buy the cheapest amount of ad credits and post an ad. You will know immediately how many clicks your ads are getting. By the next day, you will be able to see how many people are clicking every day. However, we would like to know this BEFORE we spend money. I would go to the sites forum and to simply ask the members there. They should and most likely will help you.

What is the cost of each ad credit? Well, this is an obvious one. Check around for different sites to find the best deal. Remember though, the more active a site is, usually the more expensive the ad credits are.

What flexibility do I have with my ad credits?
This is a factor you really need to take into consideration. If you are promoting a PTC site, more than likely you are promoting more than one. You need to be able to change your ads around to take into consideration sites that are more popular than other, sites that disappear or go down, etc. Only sites using the aurora script allow advertisers to add and remove credits to ads, create ads on the spot, and make changes to ads. So, try to focus your advertising dollars to sites using the aurora script.